Monday, April 26, 2010

Irony of Coal, today.

Rough text more to come.

Today as  Predient obama describes his remorse for the tradegy at the big fork mine, and the irresponsible nature of Massey; activists who have been fighting Coal Mining in west virgina get out of jail.

The ones protesting the reckless and unrestrained charachter of Massey energy and their activities are jailed, and put at risk. While obama speaks of responsiblity. The value and "thanks" does not come tot he right people.

who was making noise about massey Energies saftey violations first? who was the loudest? Does anyone care? I bet you the activists didn't, here one bit of "well.... you were right" these violations, and blatent disregard for saftey and regulation is a problen, thank you. We are sorry for giving you such a hard time about this"....the answer is obvious, becuase you know we don't live in that kind of society, sadly.

It may be now interesting to ask the orphans, the widows the parents of the mine workers, how radical and out of line, annoying disrespectful and dumb those anti-coal, Coal-watch, anti-massey environmentalists are, maybe their opinion should matter.

Obama Honors Victims of W. Va. Mine Blast

President Obama was in West Virginia on Sunday for a memorial honoring the twenty-nine miners who died in the Massey Energy Upper Big Branch mine disaster earlier this month. A crowd of several thousand people was on hand to pay tribute to the dead workers. Obama has singled out Massey for failing to prevent the disaster, calling the explosion “a failure first and foremost of management.” On Sunday, Obama called for tightening safety standards at US mines.
President Obama: “How can we fail them? How can a nation that relies on its miners not do everything in its power to protect them? How can we let anyone in this country put their lives at risk by simply showing up to work, by simply pursuing the American dream? We cannot bring back the twenty-nine men we lost. They are with the Lord now. Our task, here on earth, is to save lives from being lost in another such tragedy.”

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