Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Who Hurts in War?

From the bloody civil wars in Africa to the rag-tag insurgiences in Southeast Asia, 33 conflicts are raging around the world today, and it’s often innocent civilians who suffer the most.

Planet war: A Photo Essay

Why do we get dragged around and dragged down (literally) by the ones in power... does a child anywhere chose war...does it matter to him who gets what market or what ideology exists around the world...i have no exact source for my opinion other than than my own experience as a child and i am willing to say that children could care less but they would prefer to stay alive and play in a field. I think the same can be said about a farmer in the middle of Ethiopia, the mother in Afghanistan or the student in Georgia... it is the innocent, the power less AND innocent, the impartial, powerless and innocent, its the prejudice, impartial, powerless and innocent who suffer, or are lead to believe, via their leaders and their propaganda machines, that they're suffering is needed and worthwhile for a greater good, such as: the ideological and economic preferences of a particular class of people.

if we listened to people, we would notice we are more similar than different and that it can be in both of our interest to cooperate and to work through things.

if smart people, the ones who are tolerant, peace loving, self-realizing and look beyond there egoistic self to a larger Self that is connected and part of rest of the world and didn't concern themselves with material opiate or silly power games, ran for office instead of the current dogmatic power seeking hedonists we'd be in a better spot. Unfortunately the people who should run for office are too humble and intelligent than to play that game...hence we get the people that want to be part of this silly power game---because they need attention and power to find joy or peace with life itself.

if we didn't chase money, and realized that money is an idea and that it really doesn't make you makes some other guy who already has a lot of it happy.

People, terrorists, don't kill for no reason

the military of any country act in the same logical pattern and incentive as terrorists do we just have a nation-state to legitimize our killing in the name of "America" instead of "_______".

If we remembered that:
Children die in wars
Mothers die in wars
Fathers die in wars
Money instigates war often
it is never the decision of the people to go to war, people have to be duped to go to war, always.

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